Dr. Shweta Mittal Gupta
MD (OBGY), FNB (Fellow of National Board in Reproductive Medicine), DNB, MNAMS
Professor Dr. Shweta Mittal Gupta is presently a Senior consultant at Centre of IVF & Human Reproduction, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. She holds over 20 years of experience in the field of Reproductive medicine and Obstetrics & Gynaecology.
She was the first fellow in India to be awarded a fellowship in Reproductive Medicine from the National Board, presented to her by the president of India, Dr. Abdul Kalam Azad.
She has handled more than 4000 cases of IVF, performed more than 2000 fertility-promoting, laparoscopic and hysteroscopic procedures & managed numerous high risk obstetric patients.
She has been actively involved in teaching programs for postgraduates in OBGY and fellows of Reproductive medicine. Currently, she is faculty & examiner for National Board fellowship in Reproductive medicine & also faculty at Amity University for Post graduate fellowship in Reproductive medicine. She holds a keen interest in research with multiple publications in indexed journals.
Meet Dr. Shweta Mittal Gupta
CME excellence Dronacharya award, August 2021
Economic Times award for Inspiring Gynaecologist & IVF of India at Doctor’s Conclave, June 2019.
India News Award , IVF & Gynaecology Conclave, 14th May, 2019, New Delhi.
Free communication award for paper on ‘Efficacy of Recombinant LH in IVF: Our Preliminary. Experience”,12th Annual Conference of ISAR, 2007, Chandigarh, India.
International academic exchange committee award for the year 2006, to pursue advanced training in the field of Reproductive medicine.
Awarded for paper on “Pregnancy outcome after multifetal reduction, at AICC-NZ RCOG, March 2005, New Delhi.
Awarded for paper on “Use of CC/FSH with single dose antagonist in women with unexplained infertility undergoing IVF” at the International conference on infertility, Mumbai, India, 2003.
Awarded for paper on CC/FSH with single dose antagonist for IVF in women with unexplained infertility, International conference on infertility, Nov, 2003.
Best paper presentation award in 4th annual congress on endoscopy, infertility and IVF, Dec 2002.
Received M.Dee.Kin young scientist award at the Global Congress on Endoscopy, Infertility and ART held at Goa, India, 6-9th Dec 2001.
Received Shirin Mehtabji award for the paper on my dissertation topic; Purandare’s cervicopexy in genital prolapse; Mumbai.2001.
CHIMCO Young Scientist Award for Best Free Communication, At the International Congress of Fallopian Tubes, February 1998.
CONTECH DEVICE Prize, 42nd, All India Congress in Obst. & Gynec. Dec. 1998.
Awarded at Annual Gathering of Obst. & Gynec. Society for Paper Presentation in “Pelvic Infection & Tubal Infertility, 1998.
Professor Dr. Shweta Mittal Gupta is presently a Senior consultant at Centre of IVF & Human Reproduction, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. She holds over 20 years of experience in the field of Reproductive medicine and Obstetrics & Gynaecology.
She was the first fellow in India to be awarded a fellowship in Reproductive Medicine from the National Board, presented to her by the president of India, Dr. Abdul Kalam Azad.
She has handled more than 4000 cases of IVF, performed more than 2000 fertility-promoting, laparoscopic and hysteroscopic procedures & managed numerous high risk obstetric patients.
She has been actively involved in teaching programs for postgraduates in OBGY and fellows of Reproductive medicine. Currently, she is faculty & examiner for National Board fellowship in Reproductive medicine & also faculty at Amity University for Post graduate fellowship in Reproductive medicine. She holds a keen interest in research with multiple publications in indexed journals.
CME excellence Dronacharya award, August 2021
Economic Times award for Inspiring Gynaecologist & IVF of India at Doctor’s Conclave, June 2019.
India News Award , IVF & Gynaecology Conclave, 14th May, 2019, New Delhi.
Free communication award for paper on ‘Efficacy of Recombinant LH in IVF: Our Preliminary. Experience”,12th Annual Conference of ISAR, 2007, Chandigarh, India.
International academic exchange committee award for the year 2006, to pursue advanced training in the field of Reproductive medicine.
Awarded for paper on “Pregnancy outcome after multifetal reduction, at AICC-NZ RCOG, March 2005, New Delhi.
Awarded for paper on “Use of CC/FSH with single dose antagonist in women with unexplained infertility undergoing IVF” at the International conference on infertility, Mumbai, India, 2003.
Awarded for paper on CC/FSH with single dose antagonist for IVF in women with unexplained infertility, International conference on infertility, Nov, 2003.
Best paper presentation award in 4th annual congress on endoscopy, infertility and IVF, Dec 2002.
Received M.Dee.Kin young scientist award at the Global Congress on Endoscopy, Infertility and ART held at Goa, India, 6-9th Dec 2001.
Received Shirin Mehtabji award for the paper on my dissertation topic; Purandare’s cervicopexy in genital prolapse; Mumbai.2001.
CHIMCO Young Scientist Award for Best Free Communication, At the International Congress of Fallopian Tubes, February 1998.
CONTECH DEVICE Prize, 42nd, All India Congress in Obst. & Gynec. Dec. 1998.
Awarded at Annual Gathering of Obst. & Gynec. Society for Paper Presentation in “Pelvic Infection & Tubal Infertility, 1998.