Our Treatments
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is a simple and inexpensive method of assisted reproduction in which washed semen is placed into a woman’s uterus around the time of ovulation with the help of a thin catheter.
IUI is done on an OPD basis without any use of anaesthesia or any surgery. In IUI, semen from the male partner is processed in a laboratory to concentrate healthy, actively motile sperm which are then placed into the female partner’s womb to enable the sperm to fertilize the egg. IUI is often combined with fertility drugs to increase the number of available eggs so as to enhance pregnancy rates.
Highlights of IUI at our centre
- Our success rates of 15 to 18% per IUI cycle, is higher than the national average of 8 - 10%
- We select our patients very carefully before giving them a trial of IUI
- We often use injectable gonadotropin to produce greater numbers and better quality of eggs which gives the couple a higher chance of pregnancy
- We do one well-timed single insemination, which reduces the cost of the procedure without affecting the success rate.
- Our unit is a FOGSI approved training centre for training in IUI techniques
IUI is advised to enhance fertility for couples where there is no clear reason which appears to be responsible for a couple’s infertility. The only requirements for IUI are that the woman should be ovulating naturally and have both fallopian tubes open while the man should have normal semen or even counts marginally below normal.
IUI is a very safe treatment and complications are infrequent. Brief uterine cramping can occur during or after a procedure, which can be relieved by mild analgesics.