Our Treatments
Elective Single Embryo Transfer (eSET)
Elective Single Embryo Transfers help in ensuring Safety and Well Being of the mother and baby by reducing multiple pregnancy related complications
Generally, IVF labs tend to transfer multiple embryos (3 or more) together in order to boost the chances of pregnancy. However, the flip side of doing so is that roughly 30% of IVF pregnancies end up as twins or triplets. This unfortunately, can have some fairly significant risks for both mother and baby. Often these multiple pregnancies result in foetal losses, preterm deliveries, low birth weights and neonatal ICU admissions for the newborn babies. On the other hand, as attractive and efficient a multiple pregnancy may sound for a couple struggling with infertility, there can be significant risks associated with carrying and delivering twins or triplets for the mother like severe high blood pressure and gestational diabetes during pregnancy.
Cycle Optimization – More transfers per Egg Retrieval – Higher success rates
Only a few IVF laboratories in the world that are really very good, are able to transfer single embryos and still achieve high success rates. At IVF SGRH, we are proud of the fact that 70% of all our transfers are single embryo transfers, a feat which is unparalleled in the country. Despite such a large proportion of eSETs, clinical pregnancy rates of 60% and live birth rates of approximately 50%, are a testament to the quality and proficiency of our IVF laboratory. Moreover eSETs have dramatically reduced our number of twin pregnancies and related complications.
Another huge advantage of transferring fewer or single embryos per cycle is that it allows patients, who have multiple embryos, to make multiple attempts at pregnancy without having to repeat their egg retrieval cycles. eSETs allow embryos to be transferred one by one over multiple transfer cycles until a live birth is achieved. Therefore, more embryo transfer cycles per egg retrieval cycle automatically increases the chances of achieving a live birth with one cycle of IVF.
Number of embryos transferred is a subtle indication of the quality of a Laboratory
The average number of embryos that any laboratory transfers is a good reflection of the lab’s quality. Average or poor labs which are not confident about the embryo quality and have poor implantation rates tend to transfer 3 or 4 embryos. It is important for you to know that in all top laboratories around the world, it is normal to transfer a single blastocyst stage embryo or a maximum of two day 3 embryos. When more than two embryos are transferred (like 3 or even 4), it can be inferred that either the overall quality of embryos are poor, or implantation rates of that particular lab are not very high.